These are Pay Per Sale with (23) Websites
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How To Become An Affiliate With Chess.com - Chess.com
How do I become an Affiliate for Chess.com? Affiliates must be approved by Chess.com's Chief Marketing Officer, Brenan Klain. Affiliates must complete the application below, including the reasons they'd like to work with Chess.com to help grow the game of chess on the web. Apply to become an affiliate.
About The Affiliate Program
The standard / starting percentage is 15% of any premium upgrade to the affiliate.
You are credited for any and all "new premium members" you bring to Chess.com. If and when those members that you brought to Chess.com renew their memberships, you are credited your affiliate earnings for life. Meaning, every renewal of a new member earns you 15% of the renewal/upgrade fee forever.
Affiliates are given a cash kickback for any and all premium members they send to Chess.com.
It takes minimal setup work, and can yield passive income to you or your organization for doing nothing more than suggesting a service you fully believe in and enjoy yourself.
Affiliates must be approved by Chess.com's Vice President of Marketing and Operations.
Some of their most active affiliates earn hundreds (on occasion, even thousands) of dollars a month. They do this by attaching their unique affiliate id to any link that leads to Chess.com, and if / when a visitor becomes a new member and eventually upgrades to premium members, affiliates get paid.
The Website URL
The Affiliate URL
The Website URL is: https://chess.com/article/view/affiliate-program-for-partners-of-chesscom
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